DIETETIC INTERNSHIP: Weeks 38, 39, 40 (of 41)
Staff Relief: Weeks 38 - 40

Alas, I did it! I saw a WIDE variety of patients with
different nutritional needs: Bowel
obstructions, Gastric cancer surgery, sudden respiratory failure and
progression to vegetative state, emergency guillotine amputations below the
knee because of horrible diabetes management, little old men that refuse to eat,
pancreatitis, inguinal hernia repairs, and malnutrition. I accompanied a cardiopulmonologist to the ER
to watch him perform an emergency intubation.
NOTE: That is NOT a delicate procedure!
I watched a left and right cardiac catheterization (not part of RD
duties, just interesting!). I visited
daily the sweetest 71-year old man w/ Parkinson’s disease that had severe GI
issues and required total parenteral nutrition; he made my heart pour out with happiness
and sadness simultaneously.
Overall, in three short weeks of Staff Relief, I made some
interesting discoveries within myself and in this position. (1) I
continue to fully enjoy the challenge of the complicated surgical intensive
care patient. (2) Going on daily rounds
with the Director of Surgery (a wicked smart and witty woman), pharmacist, and
medical and surgical residents encourages constant learning in a challenging
environment. Because VAs are teaching
hospitals, the attending physicians must always be ready to question the
residents, and hopefully provide a positive thought-provoking work setting. I love this to no end. (3) I also love being a part of the Nutrition Support Team and constantly calculating and re-calculating enteral and parenteral nutrition needs. (I suppose characteristics from my Finance
degree still linger prominently!)
Remember that “numbness” feeling one must assume in the ICU
setting? Patients die at high rate in
the ICU, approximately a 20% mortality rate, and to become emotionally attached
to any one of them risks regular, uncontrollable emotions yielding difficulty
at objectively performing one’s responsibilities. A person must assume not coldness but a
mental distance while providing care. (4)
While I understand and have adapted to this unspoken requirement, I have
realized one thing: I do not really care for it. (5) All of the math calculations for enteral
and parenteral nutrition and the challenging complexity of care do not seem to
outweigh the delicate critical patients and the death rate. I do not care for it (long-term) as much as I thought I
would (short-term). I like patients that can talk
back to me, that are upright walking down the halls with physical therapy, and
I suppose even the plentitude of cranky patients that give me a hard time. I love the challenges, but perhaps the
emotional disconnection is too much for my own personality.
“We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.”
– Stephen Covey
– Stephen Covey
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