When I travel or move to a new place, I am a Tourist,
Explorer, Dweller, and Shopper. When it
comes to shopping, my favorite way to spend time and money are at grocery
stores and farmer’s markets. I know, I know,
the stereotypical female gods now scream blasphemy as clothes nor malls have
entered this favorite list! Alas, one of
my favorite (economical) shopping centers in Memphis has a Kroger, Wal-Mart
& Goodwill; I usually park in the middle and stretch my legs walking the
parking lot between the stores.

I did my shopping, coveting some excellent finds, including original
hand-blown glasses ($0.79 each!) and a vintage purse. As I strolled out of Goodwill, I noticed a
piece of faux hair on the sidewalk…. “Uh oh, somebody lost a chunk of hair,” I
mused to myself. Into the street, more
hair. Into the parking lot, an entire
HEAD of hair blown behind a car tire.
“Uh oh, somebody got in a fight and had their hair ripped out!”
(Important note: There is a store next to the Goodwill that
specializes in wigs, weaves, and hair extensions!)
About the time I passed by the clump of hair in the parking
lot and giggled to myself the peculiarity of this situation, I heard a child’s
voice yelling. “Hey! Hey!” I turned around, realizing the voice was
directed at me. She was leaning out of a
parked car window, curiously one car away from the big clump of hair
madness. “I like your herrrr!” (sic,
haha! so funny!
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